Do you ever feel that you are drowning in a sea of busyness or frantically swimming just to keep your head above the deluge of life’s demands? Do you long to experience the still waters of peace, a moment to take a deep breath, and a safe place to consider your heart-felt longings?

As a Spiritual Companion, or Soul Friend, I join you in the river of your life, accepting you just where you are, deeply listening to your soul’s cry, and companioning you on your journey awakening to the energy of  Divine Mystery at work in your life. I open my heart to journey with you as a “river guide,” providing sacred space, extending the gift of compassionate listening and the holy healing that comes from being heard.  I invite you try your first session free of charge to discover the gift journeying with Angel as your Soul Friend.  Welcome to the ocean of infinite love. Contact Angel with your interest.

Learn more about my services here.

I Am

· An expression of Divine Love, Power, Beauty, and Grace

· A healing presence, open-hearted and accepting

· An instrument of peace, compassion, and inspiration